1542 Flynn – Westland, Michigan

 » Auctions » 1542 Flynn – Westland, Michigan
1542 Flynn - Westland, Michigan
Ended at: 930 days 8 minutes 42 seconds ago
No Bid

Auction has expired without any bids.
Property is up for Auction!  Please bid anytime, once a bid reaches the "Reserved Price", seller will review offer and sale will be confirmed once property is under contract within 72 hours, or property will go back up for AUCTION!  PLEASE DO NOT TRESPASS OR DISTURB... TENANT OCCUPIED!  Property has  2 bedrooms, convenient 1st floor laundry, fenced-in backyard.  Please note:  Winning bidding price is based upon seller approval.  Closing to be at seller's title company.  Earnest Money Deposit must be wired to seller's title company within 24 hours of accepted bid, no exceptions!  Buyer to conduct all City, twp and County required inspections prior to closing at their expense.  Buyer to obtain temporary Certificate of Occupancy at their expense prior to closing.  Buyer is to pay Willingham Real Estate   Auction Buyer Premium of $2500.00 at closing for auction services. Auction is brokered by:  Willingham Real Estate, LLC Francine Willingham, Broker & Licensed Auctioneer 734-564-7471