4328 Jonas Marsh Lane (Ann Arbor) Scio Township MI 48103

 » Vacant Land » 4328 Jonas Marsh Lane (Ann Arbor) Scio Township MI 48103
4328 Jonas Marsh Lane (Ann Arbor) Scio Township MI 48103
Ended at: 3118 days 20 hours 10 minutes 17 seconds ago
$100,000.00 USD

Auction has expired without reaching its reserve price.
Visit our auction website www.AuctionIt.cc   Click on MY DASHBOAD and sign up for FREE. Once signed up, login and place your bid.   Attached documents will be shown as a .pdf icon, click on it and the documents will download for you to print out. Bids that meet the "Buy Now" option bid or Reserve prior to auction date, will be closed out. Auction ends August 31,  2016 at 12 Noon. A buyer's premium of 2.5% shall be paid by winning bidder, which will be added to the winning bid price and is to be paid to Willingham Real Estate at closing.  Addendums can be found by clicking on the photo twice, scroll down the page and find the .pdf icon.   NOTE: Seller has the right to choose to negotiate w/bidders even if reserve is not met. Buyer's private inspections are for INFORMATIONAL PURPOSES ONLY !  Buyer's acknowledge that they have performed their due diligence/County inspections and private inspections prior to bidding on property! Buyer's are aware that any City required Certs of Occupancy by the City or County are the responsibility of the buyer at the buyer's expense prior to closing on the property. If buyer is a licensed real estate agent/broker buyer's agent commission will not be paid. PROPERTY IS SOLD 'AS IS' - NO INSPECTION CONTINGENCIES. EMD of $1,500.00 becomes NON REFUNDABLE once auction bid contract is signed by all parties. EMD to payable to Willingham Real Estate.  **Please note:  HOA is approx $150.00 per year.

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